【ワークショップ情報】Global Mapper and LiDAR Module @ 米国


GISデータ処理アプリケーション Global Mapper および その追加オプションである LiDAR Module のメーカー (Blue Marble Geographics) 主催によるワークショップ情報です。


場所 : Houston, TX, USA
日程 :
2019年10月8日/9日 : Global Mapper Training (2 Days)
2019年10月10日 : LiDAR Module Training (1 Day)

場所 : Orlando, FL, USA
日程 :
2019年12月3日/4日 : Global Mapper Training (2 Days)
2019年12月5日 : LiDAR Module Training (1 Day)

■ Global Mapper Training について

The intensive two-day Global Mapper portion of the program introduces all of the major components of Global Mapper using simulated real-world scenarios and workflows.
The agenda includes digitizing and vector editing, advanced attribute management, thematic mapping, raster processing, terrain analysis, and much more.
To make best use of the available time, the core functionality of the software, such as file management, interface navigation, tool selection, etc., will not be covered in detail however introductory educational materials will be distributed to all attendees before the class.

■ LiDAR Module Training について

The one-day LiDAR Module training will explore all aspects of LiDAR processing from initial data quality assurance to 3D analysis.
The class will introduce the structure and characteristics of LiDAR data before following a series of workflows that demonstrates the point cloud visualization, editing, and analysis capabilities of the software.

All attendees who successfully complete both the Global Mapper and LiDAR Module training classes will be issued an official certificate of completion and will be recognized as Certified Global Mapper users.


