【ワークショップ情報】PRIMER 7 @ Guam


生態学者のための多変量解析ソフトウェアである PRIMER 7 の、メーカー(PRIMER-e) 主催のワークショップ情報です。

場所 : Guam, Western Pacific
日程 : 2019年8月5日~9日

Workshop Details
This workshop will provide an intensive and extensive overview of statistical methods in non-parametric analysis of multivariate data, encapsulated in the software: PRIMER version 7. It will cater to both those who are new to PRIMER and to those who are “old hands”, but have not yet had a chance to get up to speed with the latest developments in version 7. Important new tools include: shade plots with flexible ordering & clustering of axes; coherence plots to show species displaying statistically distinguishable response patterns; unconstrained binary or divisive flat clustering (as in k-means) along with SIMPROF tests; metric, threshold metric, non-metric or combined MDS in any dimensions; bootstrap averages to show variation among averages in metric MDS space; 2-way versions of BEST and RELATE; new plot types (bar, box, means, line, histogram, scatter, surface, shade) in 2-d or 3-d; animations of ordinations captured to video files; multi-factor and multi-variable segmented bubble plots in 2-d and 3-d; ANOSIM extended for ordered factors and 3-factor designs and much more…



